For last couple of days, I started to receive several calls from friends, ex-colleagues and individual clients requesting me to find them a job because they have been fired due to the company financial situation. Some of the scenarios, individuals were not given any prior notice and no extra money to support them during their jobless period. As per my knowledge and some researches I that did, Yeah I do understand that the middle east region is going through financial and economy slowdown or forwards conservation economy. And, I that most of us are aware of it as it started from October 2015 and it will continue probably till the 3rd quarter of 2017.
For examples: From strategy and budgeting point of view, you need to know what you required for the next year in terms of financial situation, manpower planning, OPE, CAPEX and so on. That’s mean, if you want to budget for 2017, you need to start by end of 2016 maximum and if you want to budget for 2018, you need to start before end of 2017.
Here you will know what you need, how to excuse and so on. Keeping in mind some risk aspects in terms of financial situations, manpower planning, expansion strategies and so on. This what the logic and proper strategy planning is about and not planning for 2017 in 2017 as unfortunately we see these days from some organizations.
For the ones who completed 1 year and above, if any firing (downsizing) in the company; there will be possibility to be in the firing list. However and as per my knowledge, big number of the ones who contacted me and others were within a year of joining, some within 6 months and other just joined recently. In this scenario, I can’t understand what went wrong in their budget and strategy planning that made them to take this step of hiring people then firing them again. I’m talking about the ones who got hired in less than a year.
At this current economic situations, I won’t be saying that there are no opportunities but the opportunities are limited. So, if there are a thousand jobs in the market; here we will be having more than 5000 jobless individuals. Even though, if there are individuals got hired; but still big number of the individuals are looking to survive. And number of jobless or job seekers is increasing in daily basis depends on the organizations’ or individuals’ situations.
My 1st question is:What went wrong with you that made you to take this decision of lying out those people? Was it from the analysis or unstable decisions made by stakeholders or was it accumulating results of bad decisions made previously or suddenly the cost went to high due to cost of living or government administration fees or what? Is it because of the leadership or unclarity reports? If it is because of the leaders, it will create un-stable towards the existing employees.
2nd Question:Who is responsible of the unstable decision made previously who felt by firing people it will resolve the issue or save cost or achieve whatever they are willing to achieve?
3rd Question:For those who has bright career at life with their ex-employers and number of years of experience, suddenly they are jobless or seeking jobs that might not be within their career planning or have to accept any role to survive and their professional profile got upside down. For example: someone who is Director suddenly got fired and accepted a junior role just to survive. Surely, his/her resume will be mixed up and won’t look good.
4th Question:What do you think about your reputation in the market not only from stakeholders, stock markets and products; but from employment branding who you will looking to hire and your employment image is not encouraging?
5th Question:Do you think you will gain you current employees’ loyalty, confidence, trust and safe environment to work? And, do you think that your current employees will be interested in engaging themselves to perform with minimum of 100% or just work to save their job?Now some can manage to survive without a job maybe they have enough savings, managed to join another company, some returned to their home country and some still looking for a surviving rope to live. As we are aware that world economy crises happen every 10 to 12 years and it has been like that for the last 30 years from World Economy crises in Malaysia, Singapore, Europe and so on.
Final Question to the leadership: Are you prepare for the next organizational and economy crises? And what are your plans or backup plans? Are you going to fire people again when needed as your 1st option or you will be finding a positive alternative?
Hope to find serious answers for those questions as recently started to see many organizations using the approach to letting some of their people out either to save and overcome challenges or because of wrong planning. It will be great to have your view on this matter and feel free to contact me for any further details or clarifications required.
Anyway, hope you benefited from this quick small article that I aim to be open eyes to you as consultant and I will be glad to support you for any enquiries or clarifications required. In weekly basis, I conduct live video on our company facebook page discussing several HR topics and it will be great to answer your questions LIVE.
Happy reading and sharing. Have a lovely day.
Best regards